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Spiritual Teachings

SATSANG for wholistic spiritual enlightenment

SWAMI PARAMANANDAJI gives spiritual teachings through Satsanghs. Satsangh means being in close proximity of the Guru or Truth. Living with His Guru he experienced that Satsangh is the best way of imparting spiritual teaching and enlightenment. A few minutes of Satsangh can give experiences which many years of studying hundreds of books can not give.

Life has to be Wholistic. Total health means physical health, mental health and spiritual health all put together. A program which helps an individual to attain self-health, confidence and personality development by assimilating yogic ancient science and Vedanta is conducted in the ashram with many steps divided as “levels”. This program teaches a daily practice for 40 minutes with yogic techniques which will teach the seeker how to maintain a healthy life and lead a life as an enlightened person.

Jnana (wisdom) is the essential need of a seeker to get attain the purpose of the Life. The Satsangh program enlightens the essence of Vedanta (Brahma Vidya) with the examples of Ramana’s teachings as well as with the quotes of traditional Upanisads and Gita. The yoga sutras of Patanjali are also used to help to attain inner happiness and self-realization. Swami Paramanandaji directly teaches them during his 

“Meditation is the vital practice of one’s spiritual growth. Meditating on ‘Who am I?’ with the guidance and grace of a living Guru will be the key to self-realization. Not only the teachings but the very presence of a GURU destroys all the obstructions due to one's Vasanas (previous birth seeds)”
Satsanghs and
Yoga and health camps are conducted in the ashram and also at outstations.

Sat Dharma Trust


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