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Charitable activities

Sat Dharma Trust carries out various charitable activities for the poor, Tribals, women, children and senior citizens to alleviate their sufferings in Kolli hills and wherever possible under various categories like

Social development

We give financial help to the old aged and destitute and we give new clothes on festival days. Many people are regularly getting such help now.


We were conducting many sports events EVERY YEAR in Kolli Hills to encourage tribals to participate in various events.

Medical Relief

There are special cases that require surgeries etc. We help such people by providing transport and sometimes operation fees.

Disaster Relief

Our trust is doing great service to the disaster struck areas like providing food or relief materials.


Sat dharma trust is helping thousands of poor children to be educated in schools or in Colleges giving scholarships.

Charitable activities

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  • Charitable activities

March 1, 2022/

Sat dharma trust is helping thousands of poor children to be educated in schools or in Colleges giving schlaships. SCHOOL…

March 8, 2022/

There are special cases that require surgeries etc. We help such people by providing transport and sometimes operation fees. MR…

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Sat Dharma Trust


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