Call For Enquiry Timing :

10AM to 1PM(Morning)
4PM to 7PM(Evening)
+91 9965552607(Not for Booking)
+91 86672 44560(Only for Booking)

For Email Support

(For Booking only)
(For Satsang Purpose only)

Tiruvannamalai Ashram Accommodation

Tiruvannamalai Ashram Stay

  • Accommodation is given for spiritual reasons only. Those who want to take the teachings of Swamiji will be given priority.
  • Those who want to stay at Arunachala Ashram should to fill our booking accommodation form or  send an email to (For Booking Only), (For Satsangh Only), 30 days in advance to check on the availability of accommodation.
  • Devotees who come for the spiritual purposes of satsangh with Swamiji and devotees who intend to stay in the Ashram for their meditation and sadhana are given a preference of an average of 2 days/nights stay depending upon the availability. It will be extended solely by the direction of management. Yatris should take advantage of staying here to attend at least one Satsangh session each day
arunachala, ashram,arunachalaashram

Dining Hall :

  • Yatris can have tea/coffee/breakfast/lunch/dinner only in the dining hall on time.
  • Yatris should wash their plates and teacup in our washing area.(Should not keep on dining table).
  • Taking food to rooms is not allowed. For genuine reasons management will help you out.
  • Food from outside is not allowed inside the room, you have to take only in our dinning hall.
  • Room Services are not available in our ashram.

Ashram Accommodation

Rooms Avaliable

Rooms to suit individuals, couples and families are available in limited numbers.

Arunachala Ashram Accommodation

Rules & Regulations

Dress Code

Men and women must cover their shoulders, midriff and legs.
Dresses should be of Indian tradition including for children and foreigners. (Sarees, salwar kamees with shawl, White dhotis & Formals).
Gents:Color lungis, half trousers, and Bermudas are strictly prohibited.  Ladies:Tight fittings, transparent revaling clothing, Leggings, tank tops, low cut and a sleeveless t-shirt, and nighties are not allowed.
Children:Parents should educate children about the ashram and inculcate our Sanatana dharma of respecting elders and Swamiji and about the dress codes. Parents must take care of their bed-wetting child, if it is so.

Avoid coming back in the middle of the night. You can go to girivalam at any time you feel like. Those who want to walk barefooted are welcome with a suggestion that practice barefooted walking of 5 kms many times at your place before attempting here to enjoy the most.


Yatris can fix up an appointment to meet Swamiji for a Satsangh Session. Morning and evening Satsangh at (7 am and 6 pm) will be there regularly

Arunachala Ashram

Daily Routine

Sat Dharma Trust


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